Shakespeare Walk - una passeggiata che racconta il teatro di Shakespeare
To emphasize the essential role of the city of Verona in the bibliography of Shakespeare, Casa Shakespeare aims to create a traveling museum, walking on Corso Porta Borsari, hosting the presentation of all the works of Wiliam Shakespeare, for a Shakespeare Walk: A walk who tell about his theater.
During the most significant days of this 400th Shakespearean April 23, date of birth and death of William Shakespeare, and on April 24th; a professional actor will travel from the Porta Borsari to Piazza delle Erbe including Court Sgarzarie reciting the extracts of 37 plays and stopping in front of the shop windows belonging to recite the tragedy of their choice.
The shops that have joined the initiative are:
– Boutique 519 Corte Sgarzarie 6/b
– Libreria Pagina 12 Corte Sgarzarie 6/a
– Maison Bruschi Corso Porta Borsari 10
– Mani di Fata Piazza delle Erbe 42
– Ostaria Sgarzerie Corte Sgarzarie 14/a
– Panificio De Rossi Corso Porta Borsari 3
– Thun Shop Corso Porta Borsari 57
Starting route from Thun Shop.